Korea ESL 101
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Korea ESL School’s Free Housing
Free Housing Free Single Studio Apartment Schools will provide a free single studio apartment (one room plus a small kitchen and bathroom) with basic household furnishings of bed, blanket, pillow, wardrobe, cooking utensils, kitchen table, chairs, two-burner gas hot plate, refrigerator, washing machine, TV, air conditioner, high speed internet and etc.. Couples will be provided with a 2 bedroom apartment. The composition of furnishings can be different by employer so you need to [...]
D-10 Visa Transfer
D-10 Visa Transfer D-10 Job Seeking Visa and Transfer to Work Visa A D-10 Visa, the 'Job-Seeking Visa', allows job applicants the room or grace period to remain in Korea while searching for a new job. A D-10 visa is valid for 6 months. If you have get a new teaching job with this visa, you must transfer your visa to one of work visas (including E-2 visa) at least 2 weeks BEFORE [...]
Living Costs in Korea and How Much Can Save?
We Averaged the Living Costs in South Korea So That You Can Expect How Much Money You Can Save.
How to Apply for ESL Jobs in Korea – A to Z guideline
We are Laying Out the ENTIRE Application/Hiring Process from A to Z for YOU.
Korea ESL School’s Deductions from Salary
Deductions from Salary From your salary, you are going to get the deductions of Income Tax, Pension, Health Insurance and others. Check out how much you are going to get deductions from your salary from this article. 1. Income Tax (3% ~ 5%) All teachers working in Korea on an E-2 Visa pays Korean taxes. It is your employer’s responsibility to file your taxes on your behalf, and it [...]
E-2 Visa Transfer
E-2 Visa Transfer Visa Transfer to a New Job Teachers in Korea who want to work at another school are required to go through Visa Transfer process. Those teachers won’t need to obtain new sets of the documents they already obtained before coming to South Korea. After preparing the documents as below, a teacher or a school representative needs to visit the Immigration in order to get the transfer done same day. In case that a school [...]
Korea ESL School’s Free Airfare to Korea
Schools Offer Prepaid FREE Flights into Korea from the Teacher's Closest International Airport.
How to get F-4 Visa for Korean Descendants (Gyopos)
How to get F-4 Visa F-4 Visa is only provided to Korean descendants (people with Korean heritage or lineage or called 'Gyopos') who are NOT Korean citizens NOW. Eligible Applicants Foreign citizens who previously possessed Korea citizenship (They must have renounced their Korea citizenship.) Foreign citizens with at least one parent or grandparent who possessed Korea citizenship in the past but who currently is a citizen of another country. [...]
Getting Criminal Record Check / Apostille
Find All the Essential Information of How to Get Criminal Record Check and Apostille by Country.
Benefits – Teaching in South Korea
Korea is a Fantastic Place to Teach English and Live with UNMATCHED BENEFITS.
Interview Tips with Expected Questions and Answers
Find All the Essential Interview Tips of Key Points and Expected Questions for Your Perfect Preparations.
Hagwons vs. Public Schools
Hagwons vs. Public Schools These are only the Generalized Pros and Cons and the choice is up to you! Therefore YOU should research the school thoroughly before signing a contract. Best advice is that you have to talk to the current/previous foreign teachers and find out if the pay is always on time, what the school and director is like and if they are happy in terms of both working and living there. [...]
Korea ESL School’s Dress Code
Dress Code Respectful Appearance Preferred Standards of dress code vary from school to school but in general, most schools expect a "respectful" casual appearance. It is always safe and good to wear semi-formal clothes. Keep in mind that you are trying to dress in a manner which presents you as a serious teacher to your students, students' parents and business directors. Avoid mini-skirts, ripped or torn jeans or t-shirts with offensive slogans, extreme haircuts, [...]
Getting Notarization and Apostille
Getting Notarization And Apostille Notarization First and Apostille Second Apostilles certify documents for international use whereas Notarizations certify that documents are legitimate copies of original documents. All teachers applying for ESL jobs in Korea have to have a Degree/Diploma Copy to be Notarized First and then Apostilled to be accepted by Korean Immigration. In most cases, as the nationwide criminal checks have been issued and signed by the government authorities, the notarization aren't [...]
Things to Pack for Korea
Things to Pack Pack Light! We recommend you only bring a light load of clothing and essentials with you to Korea. You can pretty much find most of items you will need in Korea. You will eventually be leaving Korea. The more you bring, the more you'll have to take with you or get rid of when you leave. And you'll shop a lot in Korea. Items to Pack [...]
Getting FBI Check Federal Level Apostilled Swiftly
Getting FBI Check Federal Level Apostilled Swiftly Please find the instructions on how to expedite the process to get an FBI Check Federal Level Apostilled in 10 business days. Sorting out visa documents can be a time-consuming process, often requiring significant patience when working with government authorities. Specifically regarding the process of obtaining an Apostille after securing an FBI check, applicants who submit their applications directly to the U.S. Department of State typically face a processing [...]
Severance Pay in Korea
Severance Pay Severance Pay Eligibility and Details If the employee finishes one-year contract successfully, they get paid for an extra month of work, severance pay, which is equal to one-month’s salary. Therefore, at the end of a one-year contract, they will get their monthly salary plus severance pay. Also, they have to pay the appropriate severance payment tax at the end of year. To be eligible for severance pay, the employee has to [...]
Korea ESL School’s Sick Leave
Sick Leave Taking a Sick Leave is ok but REMEMBER ... Koreans do not take frequent sick leaves due to illness. But exceptions are there for foreign teachers. The employment contract includes generally 3 sick leaves in a year. Teachers are required to notify the employer and submit an accompanying proof of illness from a doctor. If you are taking sick leave, then, do remember that you might be visited by your employer [...]
Korea ESL School’s Paid Vacation
Korea ESL School's Paid Vacation Paid Vacation in Korea ESL schools Most private schools grant paid five days vacation in the summer and five days vacation in the winter in addition to 13-15 Korean National Holidays. Public school teachers can expect 4 weeks of paid vacation time in addition to 13-15 Korean National holidays. Official Korean National Holidays Koreans officially follow the Gregorian calendar, even though there are [...]
E-2 Visa Run Guide
E-2 Visa Run Guide Usefulness of Visa Run Thanks to the visa run trip, applying teachers with tourist visa in Korea can conveniently change to E-2 visa via 3 to 4 days of short trip to the nearest countries where Korean consulates/embassies situated as Japan or Hong Kong or Guam. Visa run is also useful when teachers want to switch jobs before contract/visa expires, in which case they'll need to get a letter of [...]