Living Costs in Korea and How Much Can Save?

We Averaged the Living Costs in South Korea So That You Can Expect How Much Money You Can Save.

Benefits - Teaching in South Korea

Korea is a Fantastic Place to Teach English and Live with UNMATCHED BENEFITS.

Interview Tips with Expected Questions and Answers

Find All the Essential Interview Tips of Key Points and Expected Questions for Your Perfect Preparations.

Getting Criminal Record Check / Apostille

Find All the Essential Information of How to Get Criminal Record Check and Apostille by Country.

Korea ESL School's Free Airfare to Korea

Schools Offer Prepaid FREE Flights into Korea from the Teacher's Closest International Airport.

How to Apply for ESL Jobs in Korea - A to Z guideline

We are Laying Out the ENTIRE Application/Hiring Process from A to Z for YOU.


GLOII Helps Teachers Meet Schools in Korea

Gloii Job Consulting reaches out to the English, ESL, SAT, AP, IB, TOEFL Teacher communities in the world to serve as a unique focal point to help them find the reputable private and public schools throughout Korea who provide both the wonderful jobs and opportunities living abroad.

Since 2005,

GLOII has helped over 10,000 teachers

working with over 1,000 schools.


All The End To End Services!

All 100% FREE For You!

  • 100% Free All!

  • Support You from Beginning to End and Beyond.

  • Support Seamless Communications at All Times.

  • Find Teaching Jobs.

  • Submit Your Application At Ease.

  • Support Interview Preparation Guidance.

  • Support Contract Review/Signing.

  • Support End to End Legal Work Visa Guidance.

  • Support Flight Arrangements and Airport Pick-up Service.

  • Still Care After Start Working.

  • Support Visa Transfer to New School.

  • Support F2, F4, F5, F6, D10 Visa Issuance.

  • Find Job Related Information.

  • Find Korea Living Information.

  • Stay Fully Informed With Newsletters.

  • And much more!



“For those looking for a recruiter, I definitely recommend Tony Ahn from Gloii. Tony walked me through every step of securing my first teaching position in South Korea and has responded to any and every question I could think of (and I had A LOT). He’s extremely knowledgeable and professional. He took the time to personally interview me and help me create a self-introduction video to send to schools. Utilizing the video introduction instead of just the typical paper resume, is advantageous in allowing people to get to know you, as the field is growing more competitive. Also, Tony took in to account the specific details of the type of school and area I was looking for. Further, he was very honest with me and never misleading. Another important factor in a recruiter is availability, fortunately Tony was extremely accessible and responded quickly despite the time difference we had. Overall, my experience with Tony was superb and I will definitely work with him again should the need arise. Cheers!”

Kaylee, USA

“Gloii is a fantastic and reliable source for securing a job in Korea. Their staff maintains swift and consistent communication throughout the process. They are incredibly friendly and work hard to employ you where and when you’d like to be placed. I am 100% happy with their service and would easily recommend them to anyone considering teaching in Korea. Gloii makes the process so much easier and fights for the position you want.”

Travis, USA

“I was very pleased to find Gloii while looking for work in Korea. Gloii made the process of interviewing, obtaining a visa and the requisite paperwork easy. Most importantly they lined me up with a reputable school that has delivered everything promised in terms of salary, benefits and housing. I would be happy to trust Gloii for future recruitment and to recommend their services.”

Zelri, South Africa

“I was fortunate to work with Gloii. They kept constant contact with me, updated me on all of the newest developments, always answered any of my questions, and, most importantly, kept me calm when I started to get too frustrated or stressed from waiting for news. I truly felt as if they cared about my desire to work in Korea and they did everything they could to make that dream come true. I will always appreciate their efforts!”

Jennifer, USA

“I worked with gloii for many months leading up to my departure to teach English in Korea. They helped me with every single step, and I felt confident and never felt confused or stressed during the long, difficult and complext application process. They were always very prompt with replying to my emails and questions, and their answers were always accurate and clear. I would definitely recommend working with gloii if you are thinking about or planning on teaching abroad. I wouldn’t think twice about recommending them to friends, or using them again in the future.”

Paul, USA

“A friend recommended I use Gloii to apply for work in Korea, and as soon as I contacted them, it was clear that this is a very professional efficient recruitment agency. My recruiters name was Jane from the start I could ask her anything. Her replies were always speedy and adequate and I never felt like I didn’t know what was going on, which is something I am very thankful for, since applying to go work in a country so far and foreign can be a scary process. Working with Gloii made this process (which can get tedious) quite easy with effective feedback and crucial help.”

Cynthia, Canada

글로이 바른 영어교육을 실천하는 바른 교육컨설팅 업체

저의 글로이 잡 컨설팅은 2005년 창업 이래 계속해서 대한민국 영어 교육계를 위해 English, ESL 영어 원어민 강사 그리고 SAT, AP, TOEFL 등 전문 과목 교육을 위한 강사를 소개해드리고 있습니다. 우리 학생들의 올바른 교육을 위해 바른 마인드, 소양, 철학, 지식을 겸비한 강사를 선별해서 추천해드리기 위해 최선을 다해오고 있습니다.

강사채용을 위한 전 과정의 서비스/컨설팅 제공!

채용 후 지속적인 케어서비스까지!

  • 강사 채용에 필요한 광범위한 정보 제공

  • 국내외 모집공고 대행

  • 고객요청에 맞춘 지원자 타깃모집

  • 지원자 자동 추천 서비스

  • 강사 리스트 뉴스레터 업데이트

  • 사전 화상인터뷰를 통한 면접대행

  • 강사에 대한 입체적인 프로파일링 제공

  • 이력서 및 사전 인터뷰 평가표 제공

  • 자기소개 동영상 제공

  • 학위, 범죄경력, 건강상태, 비자서류 상태 체크

  • 레퍼런스 체크

  • 추천서 제공

  • 면접 조율

  • 계약 조율

  • 강사 비자서류 안내 및 송부 조율

  • 학교/학원 국내사증 신청 안내

  • 강사 본국사증 신청 안내

  • 공항픽업 서비스 제공

  • 강사 외국인/건강검진/교육청 등록지원

  • 학교/학원 채용만족도 조사 및 불만족사항 해소

  • 강사 근무만족도 조사

  • 학교/학원, 강사와의 갈등 중재

강사 채용 전 과정과 예상 소요기간

강사 채용의 한 사이클은 채용문의 접수 > 인터뷰 > 비자수속 > 입국 > 근무 시작 > 외국인 등록 > 채용 후 지속 케어 서비스 까지 총 13단계를 거치게 되며 예상소요기간은 약 2개월입니다.

[ 01 ] DAY 01 – 채용문의 접수 및 상담
[ 02 ] DAY 04 – 강사 추천
[ 03 ] DAY 05 – 인터뷰
[ 04 ] DAY 08 – 계약서 체결
[ 05 ] DAY 15 – 강사 비자서류 접수
[ 06 ] DAY 16 – 출입국 비자번호 신청
[ 07 ] DAY 30 – 비자번호 발급
[ 08 ] DAY 40 – 강사 본국 비자발급
[ 09 ] DAY 43 – 강사 입국 및 근무 시작
[ 10 ] DAY 50 – 강사 건강검진
[ 11 ] DAY 53 – 외국인 등록
[ 12 ] DAY 57 – 교육청 등록
[ 13 ] DAY 60 – 채용 후 지속 케어 서비스 (강사 근무 만족도 조사, 학교/학원 채용 만족도 조사, 불만족사항 해소 및 갈등 중재)