Nothando: South Africa: Feb 12, 2024

I'm a 28 year old teacher with a 4-6 years experience, 2 years having been my teaching practicals.. I specialise in geography and English subject. I teach English in grade 12 only and geography from grade 10-12..

Teaching is hard ,but it does require one to have patience towards the learners as they don't have the same IQ level. It does require one to have passion and love for tea Hing and for the subject , to be devoted and mostly to establish an environment of respect between the teacher and the learner ,because of this it has helped me achieve 100% pass rate on both subject

Skills : I have good communication skills or publicly speaking skills

2. Computer literacy like word , excel, PowerPoint presentation,ECT

3. I have good analytical and researching skills (hence one of my subject
which is geography it requires researching

4.teamwork skills , I can work as a team an also individually and be able to give constructive feedback at The end of the day

5 . I have leadership skills, I'm in charge of co-ordinating the two subjects at school since I teach higher grades ,therefore I always come up with u new teaching strategies to help the teachers in the lower grades to produce conducive results and help learners reach their full potential

South Africa
Desired Start Date
Feb 12, 2024

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