Haylee: United States: Mar 07, 2022

I have experience working with ESL students and adults, and I am familiar with establishing a comfortable level of communication with them, while also still offering help and corrections when desired. I have experience being in a different country and understanding how culture, upbringing, and society can have impacts on how individuals understand language related challenges, and how those challenges can be either exacerbated or capitalized on with different approaches.
My personality is open and friendly, I enjoy conversing with a wide variety of people to challenge myself and grow as a person. Some of my strong personality traits are curiosity, open-mindedness, light-hearted, and passionate. I can be quiet when in new situations, and I prefer to be overly polite and thoughtful rather than barging away without regard to others thoughts, feelings, or circumstances. Though I am naturally introverted, I am happiest when with other people, usually in small groups so we may talk and bond naturally.
I am skilled in the areas of writing, reading, researching, and communication. My computer skills cover everything except coding, and I am keen on keeping to a schedule and am proficient at planning out my time. I am decently creative in the visual arts, and I have extensive knowledge about the environment and natural world.

United States
Desired Start Date
Mar 07, 2022

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