Grant: United States: Jan 15, 2023

Through many different work experiences, I have developed a broad range of abilities and grow into a more capable, knowledgeable person. As a volunteer, I tutored high school students in an after school program in 2015, and thoroughly enjoyed working alongside them as they overcame their academic struggles to become successful students. Professionally, I have two years of direct experience working with educational product sales, and at two different jobs, I was selected to train other mechanics while working in a factory setting. Communication and teamwork are essential to these types of work, and I have proven not only my success in this capacity but also my ability to leadby coordinating with others through challenging situations. In each stage of my career, a dedicated work ethic, positive attitude, and excellent teamwork have brought me the mos fulfillment in my professional life. These three attributes form the core of my professional ambitions. I will always be committed to becoming the best version of myself and leading others to do the same.

United States
Desired Start Date
Jan 15, 2023

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