Ellie: United Kingdom: Feb 21, 2022

I have experience presenting and working in schools as part of my work for the Youth Inspire Project. During presentations I had a key role in explaining how to complete tasks set and providing support for the students whilst completing their work. The activities included engaging the whole class and asking for answers to be offered or hands raised, and work in smaller groups with a presentation back to the whole class. This is beneficial experience as these are common methods used in the classroom to teach topics. In addition, I have also held many roles where I have lead groups or trained newer staff. This experience is transferrable to that of a teaching role as I have provided help whenever colleagues or members in my team have needed it and been required to explain how certain work should be completed. For example, in my role as a legal assistant at Freeths LLP I often will explain how a task should be done and the reasoning for doing a task to the other legal assistants. Similarly in a classroom a teacher would have to explain a task or piece of homework they would like the classroom to complete. I have repeatedly communicated in this way at my previous job at McDonalds and my work for the Death Penalty Project.

I believe my personality is equipped for this job role as I have the necessary confidence and hardworking spirit required. As can be seen from my resume I have consistently worked in customer facing roles or on voluntary projects that require teamwork. Due to this my confidence in communication has improved greatly. I am used to talking and working with a variety of different people and know how to adapt myself well to different social situations. I believe this to be a key skill of a teacher as every student and colleague at a school will be different to the next and it is important to have confidence in communicating so you can easily adapt. In addition, when looking at my resume you can see I have always maintained good grades and have attended a highly ranked university for my degree whilst always working a job. I also secured a job at a prestigious law firm before graduation from my degree due to my commitment in achieving my goal of working at a law firm. I have always worked hard as demonstrated and would continue to do so in this role to support student and colleagues.

Finally, I would highlight my strongest skills as my excellent ability to communicate and problem solve. As a result of working in customer facing roles, I am confident in my ability to communicate and resolve issues. These skills were used on a daily basis in my four years at McDonalds when talking to customers about the service being provided and my colleagues who I communicated with in order to deliver this service. I have the ability to explain how processes work, how tasks need to be done or the context of certain situations in order to resolve problems. I believe one of the most important skills of someone in a teaching role is their ability to communicate. To communicate information to students in a clear and engaging way is vital to the learning of students.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Feb 21, 2022

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