Emily: United Kingdom: Jul 29, 2019

I have experience working with children of all ages, from summer camps and toddler groups to teaching English to refugees in Greek refugee camps, the latter being more challenging due to the harsh conditions faced. Despite this I enjoy educating children and helping them develop, both linguistically and socially. I have also honed my own skills through journalistic work during my undergraduate and experience of a master’s degree. I am also planning on undertaking a TEFL course before I arrive in South Korea as I have no formal teacher training.

I am a happy, smiley person who knows how to remain in charge and calm in front of challenging situations, particularly due to the trauma informed teaching course I took before I worked in refugee camps. Having spent extensive time travelling alone, as well as working whilst completing a full-time master’s course, I am well organised and hard working.

I completed my undergraduate in Psychology (St Andrews University), which benefited my scientific, statistical skills and emotional intelligence and am currently undertaking a master’s in International Conflict Studies (King's College London), which has enhanced my essay writing and editing skills and academic rigour.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Jul 29, 2019

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