Faith: United States: Aug 01, 2025

Experience- Nodaway Holt Elementary School, Maryville Missouri
First graders and it was two students
Designed and taught a lesson plan on a book called red leaf, yellow leaf
students should have been able to identify from the illustrations every items
Modified lesson due to students being girl scouts
Eugene Fields Elementary , Maryville Missouri
Second graders, 10-15 students
Designed a mini lesson for the students based on writing standards.
speech and written form apply standard English grammar to use adjectives and adverbs in sentences.
students doing work sheets to identify and use adjectives in their sentences.
Truman High school, Independence, Missouri
Made a lesson plan about the bill of rights
focused on the importance of the bill
whole class lesson plan, ranging from freshmen-Junior
Fairmount Elementary School , Sugar Creek, Missouri
First Graders and 5 students
Designed and taught a lesson plan on monster school.
focused on reading appropriate texts with fluency.
Personality- Easy going, hard worker, active listener,
skills- Critical thinking, Problem Solving, Communication , Active listening , Strong work ethic, Creativity , Team work , Honesty

United States
Desired Start Date
Aug 01, 2025

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