Jayden: United Kingdom: Mar 15, 2022

My top five characteristics are patience, empathy, attention to detail, conflict resolution and kindness. These are some of my most valuable characteristics and they show in my personality. Kindness is something which I have always believed can make the biggest difference in an adult/child’s daily life. patience and empathy go hand in hand as whilst being a teacher I will see children struggling with things and it is my job to ensure they feel comfortable enough to ask for help and work at their own pace which is where patience plays the largest role. Attention to detail and conflict resolution ensure I am prepared for the role. These characteristics show that I have what it takes to be a good teacher as they show care and understanding whilst still focusing on the educational factor. This works alongside all of previous work related experience over the years in many different environments.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Mar 15, 2022

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