Xavier: United Kingdom: Mar 01, 2023

With regards to experience, I would say a valuable and relevant role that I performed was tutoring online and in person to family and friends. This taught me the importance of catering a different lesson for each person, as each person has a different way of learning, hence I would find what method was most effective for the individual. Furthermore, I have worked at a franchise retail store, The Coop, where I learned the importance of always having a positive attitude to any situation, as many things may not go as expected, therefore it was always important to counteract this with a positive mindset and adapt. In addition, this experience taught me the importance of being organised in every aspect, whether it was with planning the tasks for the day, or just the overall presentation of the store, I understood that success is built on being organised. As of now, I work in the events and promotions industry which involves helping set up events, as well as promoting many companies such as Samsung, Deliveroo and The Guardian. This has allowed me to work with hundreds of new people and help me understand the importance of working as a cohesive unit, in order to present the brand in the best possible manner to others.

To describe myself, I would say that I'm pro-active, innovative and always up for trying new things. I enjoy competing in many sports such as football, badminton, table tennis, cricket and so on, in order to keep fit and I just enjoy them greatly. In addition, I enjoy editing videos of any events I go, whether it's an exhibition or a concert, I edit a compilation of videos together to make a complete video at the end of it. Moreover, I am always open to new experiences and obtaining new skills, whether its exploring different countries (even my own) or learning a new language. I have take French lessons and obtained an intermediate level in French and have been learning the keyboard. I intend to add many more skills to my portfolio in the future aswell.

I am a recent graduate in Accounting and Finance, achieving a 1st in my degree. Since graduating, I have been completing a TEFL course in order to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to teach English abroad.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Mar 01, 2023

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