Tanya: United States: Jun 10, 2019

My name is Tanya Burks, I am 45 years old. I graduated from University of North Texas with a Masters in Library Science in May 2015. I received a TESOL certificate in February 2019. My daughter, Suzanne, two cats and myself reside in Killeen, Texas. I served nine years in the US Army. In Germany, I met my wonderful husband, who loved life and encouraged me to follow my dreams. My dreams were to be a teacher and/or a librarian. My few passions in life are working, taking care of my family, reading books and fixing up my home. Through the military I have achieved my dream of becoming a librarian.
The next phrase in life has brought a new challenge such as finding employment and a secure retirement plan. I am hoping with a graduate degree in multilingual education (TESOL) my employability will increase, therefore allowing another childhood goal of teaching to manifest. Currently I am working as an educational aide at South Belton Middle School in the Academic Assistance Center in addition to the enrollment in the TESOL certificate program. My goals are to learn, teach, help others, and travel the world which are a continual driving force for me to achieve personal happiness and satisfaction.

United States
Desired Start Date
Jun 10, 2019

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