Sungeun: Korea: Moody College: Jan 22, 2024

Having grown up overseas, I was born in Korea, but find English to be my L1.
As mentioned above I have taught in variously different environments. I enjoy the challenge because I realize the challenges make me a stronger and better teacher in the future. The first time I even started thinking of becoming a teacher was when I was in middle school. My English teacher Mr. Peters made a huge impact on my life as a student and as a person. His class was always unique and fun and for the first time, it was fun to learn and study. I also noticed changes in my classmates as well. From the class we all became friends. From that, I wanted to become someone like him, who could not just teach well, but also change and make an impact on each student's life.
After my time in Ethiopia, my passion for learning grew more, realizing that learning is a privilege and not something to be taken for granted. So throughout these unexpected experiences in my life, I am growing to become a teacher that really wants to do better every single day. My wish is to also impact the kids to want to learn and to understand how fun learning is. I hope to truly teach the kids well but also learn throughout the process.

Moody College
Desired Start Date
Jan 22, 2024

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