Nicholas: United States: May 30, 2018

I have been a tutor for various disciplines since I was in high school (7 years ago), and have helped many students excel in Math, Latin, Chemistry, and other subjects. My command of the English language has always been one of my greatest strengths, but I have not had a chance to teach it in a formal setting. I have proofread essays and given small grammatical pointers to friends, but that is the extent of my English teaching experience thus far. I am passionate about teaching, however, and do not doubt that I would excel as an English teacher despite that.

The strengths of my personality surround my desire to empathize with those with whom I come into contact. I am easily liked by nearly everyone, and have a strong desire to understand why someone does not like me when such a situation occurs. I am intelligent, yet am able to relate to someone who is struggling with something in a way that they do not think that I put myself on a pedestal. Overall, I am friendly and caring, and most people sense that when they meet me.

I have a well-rounded skill set ranging from the know-how necessary to fix common household problems like a leaky faucet or squeaky door to my PADI certification allowing me to scuba dive at my leisure. I am an Eagle Scout, and the greatest gift that the journey to that award gave me was the strong desire to learn as much as I can and to never constrain myself to only learning one family of skills. My friends joke that I am a 'Renaissance Man,' and while it is funny, it is not too far off-the-mark. I hope to continue learning through my time in Seoul.

United States
Desired Start Date
May 30, 2018

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