MyLia: Korea: Nov 22, 2018

Hello 안녕하세요
My name is MyLia Vang. I am from the Midwest of the United States from a state called Minnesota.
I have no teaching experiences but I have tutored throughout my school career.
Up until 6th grade I had the experience of going to the same school which my mother taught at.. Throughout my high school years I also would go back and help with volunteering at my mother’s school.
The reason why I want to begin teaching abroad is, I had the experience of studying in South Korea last year. I found that I really like the culture, food and enjoyed the beauty of Korea. During that time I also got the chance to volunteer at center for children which really inspired me to comeback. I am really intrigued by the Korean schooling system and I really want to be a supporting figure in those who want to learn English. I want to teach creatively and bring fun into the classroom, while focusing on development among my students. I am a patient and caring person and want to create a great learning environment for my students. I can relate to being shy and filling embarrassed as a student when learning a new language, therefore I want to create an environment where students don't have to worry about that feeling.
Lastly, as a note, I am currently in South Korea and would like to start as soon as possible!

Desired Start Date
Nov 22, 2018

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