Max: United Kingdom: Sep 01, 2024

After spending the last five years teaching English in Spain (Madrid and Mallorca) and
just leaving my post in China (Shanghai), I have gained valuable insights and
experiences that have shaped my teaching philosophy. My extensive experience in
teaching students how to excel in their English exams has allowed me to develop my
skills in classroom management, lesson planning, and student engagement, preparing
me to excel as a teacher.
Having heard many positive things about working within various international education
systems, I, as a teacher myself, was intrigued to explore what opportunities a teaching
role has to offer. I have invested a significant amount of time researching the position
before applying to it, as well as reading success stories shared on the website. I am
confident that this role can provide me with the resources needed to become a bold and
dedicated professional in the field of teaching. The emphasis on excellence in education
truly inspires me.
One of the reasons I am drawn to the teaching role is the opportunity to further develop
my teaching practice within the framework of a high-standard education system. Gaining
insights into the latest teaching methodologies and strategies is something that truly
excites me. I am eager to immerse myself in a new environment and embrace the
challenges and opportunities that come with working as a teacher.
I believe that being a teacher will allow me to enhance my teaching skills within an
esteemed education system and open doors to a world-renowned platform. I aspire to be
a part of a role that is not only prestigious but also globally recognised for its excellence
in education. Being a part of such a renowned position will not only benefit me
professionally but also personally, as I believe I will have the chance to contribute to an
educational community that values a student's right to a fantastic education. I am excited
about the prospect of being a part of something truly special and making a meaningful
impact on the students I will have the privilege of teaching.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Sep 01, 2024

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