Janine: United Kingdom: Sep 01, 2023

To whom this may concern,

For the last ten years I have been working in the education sector, both within secondary schools, colleges and with adult learners. For part of this time, I worked as a tutor for Functional skills maths and English. The students were all taking an apprenticeship course and completing the Level 1 or 2 Functional Skills qualification to support their chosen career path. I was part of a group of tutors, centrally based. As the students were all distance learning, the English and maths content was available to them online. When they reached certain stages, we would contact them via email and then via telephone calls for a progress check, to make sure they were understanding the course objectives as they worked through the content. If on the call it become apparent they were not grasping the learning, I would spend time to teach them the aspect they were struggling with, until they had a clearer understanding. After each progress check and teaching session, feedback was provided to the learner on a document where their previous checks were available to them. This allowed the students to see their progress over time. As well as tutoring via calls, I also marked mock exams papers and provided feedback with clear targets to improve their work.

Part of my role whilst tutoring and again now in my current role, is to assess the Speaking, Listening and Communication Assessment for the Functional Skills Level 2 English qualification (SLC). The assessment involves running a session for four to six students on a Zoom meeting call. I guide them through the aspects of the assessment and making sure the students are under exam style conditions, reassuring nervous students, and making sure all the assessment criteria is covered within the session. After the recorded assessment is completed, I assess each student to the exam boards standards and provide detailed feedback upon their individual performance. Each student gains a pass or fail mark. If they have failed, within the feedback I provide clear notes on how to improve their preparation and actions within the assessment to help them gain a pass next time they complete the SLC.

In my current role I work within adult education. Our learners consist of several key groups. This includes adults who wish to improve their job opportunities and therefore are returning to education, children who are home schooled, and adults who have settled in the UK where their first language is not English and require English qualifications to progress their career options. We deliver Functional Skills Level 2 in English and maths, a wide range of GCSE qualifications, and a number of A Level qualifications. It is my responsibility to provide all the learners with the correct information for their exams, reasonable adjustments, advice, and support through the process. In the case of Functional Skills, I register students with the exam board, book exams, forward exam results and organise the certification process. For the GCSE and A-Level qualifications, I need to pass on the correct student details to our exam partners for entry as well as liaise with them as issues arise. I work remotely, organising my own time to ensure the processes run smoothly and all students, and that all receive the required information in a clear, concise, and timely fashion.

My previous roles in school settings consists of taking ownership and the management of the GCSE, A Level and BTEC examinations. I liaise with teaching staff and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) to complete the registration for all candidates via the school’s information management systems and manage the process regards withdrawals, late entries Etc. Within the last school there was a cohort of around 250 GCSE candidates with a further 200 candidates in Year 13 taking Level 3 qualifications, plus private exam candidates. I was directly responsible for the application of access arrangements, liaising with the tutors and the SENCo teams, special considerations, result processing and the certification process. It was my responsibility to provide all the learners with the correct information for their exam, timetabling, seating plans and JCQ guidelines.

I have worked in the past at a College as a Careers Advisor. Within this role I worked independently as the only Careers Advisor within a small careers team. I was responsible for IAG (information, Advice and Guidance) for both current and potential learners. I supported Level 1 and 2 students, A level and BTEC Level 3 students applying for university and students completing degree courses (HNC and HND level), as well as adult learners going back into education. The support was offered in face-to-face interviews, informal drop-in sessions, group workshops and presentations. I advised learners on the UCAS process (applying for university) and liaised with external partners to ensure an excellent service was delivered. Learners were provided with targets to aid progression. I have also completed a 13-week placement at De Montfort University with their Careers Department for my Postgraduate Diploma. Again, this involved one-to-one interviews, running work shops and presentations to large groups of learners.

I am very self-motivated and enjoy a challenge. I have worked tirelessly to gain a clear understanding of the processes of examinations to complete my role to the highest standards. I have played an active role to get to know the learners and support their needs during the exam season. Offering advice and guidance is also required for candidates who find the examination period stressful. I have kept up to date with my learning and training in such areas as Prevent, Equality and Diversity, Health and Safety and Safeguarding. I have strong communication and interpersonal skills developed through working in the public sector. I have experience of liaising effectively with students, tutorial teams, SLT, and third-party establishments in the form of other schools and sixth forms, JCQ and external awarding bodies. I have worked in teams and individually within the NHS, within the education roles I have had and currently as part of a small team delivering qualifications.

I would love the opportunity to work abroad and to further my skills in becoming an EFL Teacher. I believe that I can make a positive impact, I have the organisation skills and tutoring background required for the role and I would relish the challenge of working in this environment.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Sep 01, 2023

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