Isabelle: United Kingdom: Mar 31, 2023

Hello, my name is Isabelle Webster, preferably known as Bella. I am currently 21 years old, teaching 3-12 year olds in Thailand.
I consider myself a very positive person. I like to keep optimism high, and remain positive even in the face of difficult and stressful situations. I am also very organised. Considering my current situation, I must keep on top of my schedule when teaching, always making sure that I know what my lessons contain, and planning them. I am also organised in my personal life, keeping ahead of my spending and more! Outside of work, I enjoy hiking & walking. Exploring new places is a really fun way to get to know my surroundings and see beautiful sights! Travelling is also an interest that I am exploring, which is why I am currently teaching in Thailand, and would love to have the opportunity to teach in S.Korea.
I have always been interested in teaching, teaching being my first dream job. To date, I have had experience volunteering in a primary school in the UK for around 1 month. I then have a small roles throughout high school and collage, where I would voluntarily help out the younger years get to grip with school life. Adding to this, by February I will have worked as an English Teacher in Thailand for four months!
This job has been extremely valuable. I feel as though I now have a good understanding of how to get kids attention, create engaging lessons, and make sure that fun is had in the classroom. I feel confident in my teaching, and would love to have the chance to become an even better English Teacher!

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Mar 31, 2023

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