Husna: United States: Aug 01, 2022

A strength I have been able to identify as a developing teacher is the ability to put myself in the shoes of the students. As someone who learned English for the very first time at the age of 11 and as someone who is currently learning Korean, I would say I have an idea about some things language learners struggle with. As a learner, I know that oftentimes I tend to memorize the structure of a particular grammar to help me understand, but sometimes when the same grammar is being used in a different context, it can confound me. At Literacy Pittsburgh, I have suggested ideas that uses new vocabulary terms in various context so students can truly grasp the meaning.

Another strength I have is classroom management. Teaching a class of 15-20 students can get rowdy especially when every student is passionate and eager to participate. At Literacy Pittsburgh, I co-teach with the main teacher and when it is my turn, she often helps in classroom management. However, recently, I had to teach the entire classroom independently without the main teacher present. Having observed how the main teacher handles disruption, I was able to put those skills into practice and have a successful two hour lesson on my own.

United States
Desired Start Date
Aug 01, 2022

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