Hope: United Kingdom: Feb 01, 1996

I have spent the last year teaching in China as an ESL teacher. In my school we focused on enhancing skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking and phonics. I taught children aged 3-16 specialising in 3 yearold language production and teen written work. During my time in China I took on extra responsilbilities including running charity English lessons for students less forutnate, and also planning and organising extra curricular English lessons alsongside baking and craft lessons.

I have always loved children and teaching others, volunteering at my school to assist international students with their written work. During my time in China I seeked to learn more about the art of ESL teaching, taking on 4 exams from Cambridge University: Teacher Knowledge Tests Young Learners and Modules 1-3.

Every class I teach I learn more about how students communicate with one another as well as their teacher, and how as a teacher, I must be ready to adapt my lesson plan easily to fit the needs of the whole class, whilst being sure to give individual attention to every student.

I have grown in confidence over the last year in my teaching skills, and would love to continue learning and teaching.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Feb 01, 1996

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