Erzen: United Kingdom: Nov 05, 2023

I am born and raised in London. I speak two Languages, English & Albanian. I did work experience in an elementary school as a teaching assistant for Year 1 and Year 2 Class. I have a BSc Degree in Business Management & Entrepreneurship.

I have been working for a long time and have lots of experience in different areas. I have worked in Retail, I have worked in a medical centre and my most current employer has been working for a Property Company. I have skills and experience working in Finance, Contract Manager, Building Manager and my most current role Building Safety Manager.

I have amazing customer service skills
Microsoft Office Skills
Good at dealing with Kids & Children
Fast Learner
Finance Skills
Business Management Skills
English Skills

I believe I have the right knowledege, Skills and Experience to move to Korea and to be able to help teach english. I have a strong passion in helping people, I love Korea and would love to have the experience in teaching over there.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Nov 05, 2023

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