SAT/AP Teachers

Shin: Korea: daegu university department of korean language education: Mar 31, 2023

Shin: Korea: daegu university department of korean language education: Mar 31, 2023

I tried to live a life without any bias on either side by taking the virtue of moderation as a life creed. Moderation is not to condemn and deny that it is different from one's own will, but to accept it positively and to lay the foundations for creating new things. And I think this is a virtue that modern people who are prone to narrow-minded thinking in a diverse and rapidly changing modern society should have.

The advantage of my personality is that I always think positively along with critical thoughts. Critical thinking gave me the power to control myself, and even though it was hard and difficult, positive beliefs and thoughts gave me a better life. Even though I can not say that critical thinking is unconditionally good, it led me to my life with positive thoughts.

I think that all human beings move toward a complete personality through the pursuit of learning and growth. It is the universality of human beings to pursue learning and growth, and it is the educational act of teachers to categorize and systematize the universality. I think it is up to the teacher to encourage greater learning and growth. My education has become a basic guideline for teaching activities to guide students. I think teachers should have professionalism in educational planning. In preparation for the rapid increase in knowledge and information, I think that the professionalism of teachers who utilize and communicate the intellectual infrastructure of society in school education is more urgent than ever. It is necessary to emphasize the diversity of individual students and effectively mediate the development of various textbooks and the diversification of evaluation methods through the reconstruction of creative teaching-learning methods and curriculum. In addition, I think that it is necessary to provide equal educational opportunities that recognize the diversity of individual students and to make efforts to improve the excellence based on this, so that the learner's academic ability can be improved. To this end, it is necessary to induce self-directed learning that enhances learners' autonomy and creativity, to expand opportunities to express free thinking, and to induce learning that enhances problem solving ability based on thorough principle learning to increase problem situation awareness and problem analysis ability. I think.

daegu university department of korean language education
Desired Start Date
Mar 31, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-03-23T02:43:49+09:00March 16th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

Shin: Korea: daegu university department of korean language education: Mar 31, 2023

Shin: Korea: daegu university department of korean language education: Mar 31, 2023

I tried to live a life without any bias on either side by taking the virtue of moderation as a life creed. Moderation is not to condemn and deny that it is different from one's own will, but to accept it positively and to lay the foundations for creating new things. And I think this is a virtue that modern people who are prone to narrow-minded thinking in a diverse and rapidly changing modern society should have.

The advantage of my personality is that I always think positively along with critical thoughts. Critical thinking gave me the power to control myself, and even though it was hard and difficult, positive beliefs and thoughts gave me a better life. Even though I can not say that critical thinking is unconditionally good, it led me to my life with positive thoughts.

I think that all human beings move toward a complete personality through the pursuit of learning and growth. It is the universality of human beings to pursue learning and growth, and it is the educational act of teachers to categorize and systematize the universality. I think it is up to the teacher to encourage greater learning and growth. My education has become a basic guideline for teaching activities to guide students. I think teachers should have professionalism in educational planning. In preparation for the rapid increase in knowledge and information, I think that the professionalism of teachers who utilize and communicate the intellectual infrastructure of society in school education is more urgent than ever. It is necessary to emphasize the diversity of individual students and effectively mediate the development of various textbooks and the diversification of evaluation methods through the reconstruction of creative teaching-learning methods and curriculum. In addition, I think that it is necessary to provide equal educational opportunities that recognize the diversity of individual students and to make efforts to improve the excellence based on this, so that the learner's academic ability can be improved. To this end, it is necessary to induce self-directed learning that enhances learners' autonomy and creativity, to expand opportunities to express free thinking, and to improve problem-solving skills based on thorough principle learning to increase problem situation awareness and problem analysis skills. I think that it is necessary to induce learning to enhance.

daegu university department of korean language education
Desired Start Date
Mar 31, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-03-23T02:43:46+09:00March 16th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

강: Korea: 아주대학교: May 01, 2023

강: Korea: 아주대학교: May 01, 2023

Ⅰ. 꿈을 향해 달렸고, 지금도 달리고 있는 나 : 자기주도적 역량 강화

어릴 적 막연하게 가지고 있던 수학 선생님에 대한 동경. 이 작지만 소중했던 꿈을 이루고자 과감한 선택을 해야 했고 내가 했던 선택에 있어 후회하지 않으려고 부단히 노력해왔습니다. 앞만 볼 줄 알았던 저에게 찾아온 두려웠지만 너무나 소중했던 기회를 놓치고 싶지 않았습니다. 그렇기에 다디던 직장을 그만두고 제 자식과도 같은 우리 학생들에게 든든한 조력자, 책임감 있는 책임강사가 되고자 했고, 지금도 부족한 부분을 스스로 채워가며 학생들과 동고동락하고 있습니다.

교육업이 아닌 직장 생활을 10년을 하고 교육업에 뛰어들었을 때 두려움 보다는 설레임이 더 컸기에 더 많은 준비와 노력을 했습니다. 누군가의 인생에 직, 간접적으로 관여한다는 것이 저에게는 부담감 보다는 무한 책임감으로 느껴집니다. 그리고 이러한 책임을 다하기 위해서 지금도 스스로를 발전시키고자 끊임없이 준비하고 노력합니다.

Ⅱ. 꿈을 향해 달리는 이들을 위한 나 : 책임감

10년간의 직장생활을 통해 얻은 많은 경험과 관련 지식들을 이제는 꿈을 향해 달리는 우리 학생들과 공유하고 그들의 꿈에 한발 짝 다가서게 할 수 있는 힘을 가지고 있습니다. 때로는 냉정하고 객관적으로 현실을 파악하고 그에 맞는 계획을 같이 고민하며, 때로는 따스하게 보듬어 주면서 힘들고 지친 우리 학생들에게 다시 한번 힘을 실어줄 수 있는 책임감 있는 조력자로서의 삶을 살고자 합니다.

교육업에 종사하게 되면서 총 2번의 이직을 하였습니다. 중국 청도에서 중국 심양, 그리고 중국 상해로 이직하게 되었지만 이 3군데의 학원들은 모두 연관성이 있는 학원들입니다. 중국 심양학원은 중국 청도학원 원장님의 소개로 이직하게 되었고 상해학원으로의 이직은 청도에 있을 당시 주말 특강을 위해 다녔던 학원이었습니다. 이렇게 인연이 이어지는 것을 봐서 적어도 제가 정말 열심히 했고, 책임감 있게 했구나라는 생각을 합니다. 자식을 키우는 부모로써 책임감을 제일 강조하고 싶습니다.

Ⅲ. 리더가 되자 : 전문인재양성

현재 그리고 미래에 무엇보다 중요한 것은 전문성을 지닌 참된 리더가 되는 것이라고 생각됩니다. 자기 분야에 대한 전문성을 갖추는 것은 책임감을 따르게 할 뿐 아니라 서로 간의 신뢰 구축에도 커다란 힘이 되기에 참된 리더가 될 수 있습니다. 이런 전문 인재를 양성하는데 보탬이 되고 싶습니다. 사회 경험과 교육 경험을 바탕으로 우리 학생들이 좀 더 전문화되고 남을 배려할 줄 아는 참된 리더가 되도록 밑거름이 되고자 합니다.

‘선물은 받는 사람이 선물이라고 생각해야 선물이다’라는 말을 가슴 깊히 새깁니다. 학생의 입장에서 부모님의 입장에서 선물과 같은 존재가 되겠습니다.

Desired Start Date
May 01, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-03-23T02:43:43+09:00March 16th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments



Bachelor and Master degree in USA
Working International companies for 7 years
Run my own business for 5 years including starting my own company

Desired Start Date
Apr 01, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-03-23T02:43:16+09:00March 15th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

geunoh: Korea: Sejong university: Jun 01, 2023

geunoh: Korea: Sejong university: Jun 01, 2023

I was born in a harmonious and lively family with a strict yet caring father who valued harmony and diligence, a loving mother who always ensured our family's health and happiness by complementing my father's strict nature, and an older sister and myself. My father's emphasis on family harmony has shaped me into the person I am today, and his belief in “doing one's best with sincerity” has become the foundation of my life philosophy.

I have grown up learning optimism and resilience in the face of the world through the example of my father, who worked diligently even in difficult situations, and my mother, who never lost her smile and consistently did her best.

I have always been interested in English and foreign music culture. So after graduating from high school, instead of going straight to university, I went to Canada for a year and a half and then to Australia for six months. In these countries, both being immigrant nations, I spent enjoyable and valuable time with people from various countries who came to study, rather than with Canadians or Australians. Living with people from diverse cultural backgrounds greatly helped me break away from stereotypes and broaden my horizons.

After returning from abroad, I enlisted in the military and served as a KATUSA in a U.S. military base in Pyeongtaek, eventually being discharged as a sergeant. English has always been close to me since I graduated from high school, and now I can converse at a native speaker level. After graduating from university, I was ambitious about learning a third language and flew to Beijing, China, where I studied Chinese for a year. I returned to Korea in July 2022 and can now speak Korean, English, and Chinese in that order.

During my part-time work, I worked as a staff member at Uniqlo after graduating from high school. Then, I crossed over to Canada and worked in a restaurant. After returning to Korea, I enlisted in the military and gained diverse experiences and skills in translation work and CBRN training while working in the U.S. military base. After being discharged, I worked as a manager at a guesthouse on weekends while attending school. I enjoyed interacting and conversing with people from various countries.

After working at the guesthouse for about six months, I wanted to work in a field related to my major, so I worked at an English academy in Daechi-dong for another six months. Additionally, after graduating from university, I taught TOEIC Speaking at YBM Language Institute and then taught English in English to international students when I moved to China.

Thanks to these valuable opportunities, I have come to see the workplace as another stage for my personal growth. I believe that not only school but also part-time work and the company I will work for in the future are educational arenas where I can learn and grow. At the center of it all, I always put people first. I find fulfillment in working well with diverse individuals and believe that we grow together in the process.

Thank you for reading my long text. If I am given the opportunity to work, I promise to never lose my learning attitude and approach my work with humility. Thank you.

Sejong university
Desired Start Date
Jun 01, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-03-23T02:42:51+09:00March 14th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

Raa-iqah: South Africa: University of the western cape: Aug 01, 2023

Raa-iqah: South Africa: University of the western cape: Aug 01, 2023

My experience as a teachers assistant has been an amazing experience. Being around children is my passion.
I believe that my strong language experience and education makes me a highly competitive candidate for this position. My key strengths that would support my success in this position include:

I have strong communication and language skills.

I am hardworking and always try to motivate others.

I can develop good relationships easily.

I am talkative and always make others feel comfortable.

I get along well with kids of all age groups.

I strive continually for excellence.

I have always dreamt of working abroad. With a BA degree in Psychology and Linguistics , I believe I have the skills to help others.

South Africa
University of the western cape
Desired Start Date
Aug 01, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-03-23T02:42:49+09:00March 14th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

Leeahn: Korea: University of Bath: Jul 01, 2023

Leeahn: Korea: University of Bath: Jul 01, 2023

My name is Leeahn, and I saw your institution’s Korean language teaching job posting on the ‘glassdoor’ website and am submitting my application for your consideration. Currently, I am working at SJ Canada which is agency that helps the process for Korean students to study abroad in Canada. I got MA TESOL degree at the University of Bath and completed my program in September, 2022. My dissertation title was “Exploring challenges and strategies of South Korean EFL teachers in the process of material development using communicative language teaching approach: The role of teaching experience”. My experience with the dissertation would be really helpful in a potential role at your institution because I will use authentic materials which support students’ interests, which will encourage students to engage in my class. Moreover, my course would be helpful for this position since it helped me to learn how to teach linguistics. As a native speaker of Korean, I am confident with this job and the skills that I learned during MA TESOL will translate easily to teaching in Korean since it is about how to teach the language effectively to the learners.

Before my studies at the University of Bath, I graduated with a Bachelor of History Education in 2018 and began teaching History to 11th graders at the Global Vision Christian School in the 2018-2019 academic year. At the school, used a range of teaching methods to suit the needs of every class, inspiring my students with diverse group activities, interesting videos, and games. Furthermore, I developed the social studies curriculum in weekly meetings with my colleagues. These meetings made me confident when communicating with my colleagues and management teams.

I approach teaching enthusiastically and passionately by focusing on helping others become the best version of themselves by creating engaging and valuable Korean language learning. My qualifications and approach to teaching would make me a good fit for your department. Also, I am quite excited to share my language and my culture with the students at your institution, and also get the chance to experience Chinese culture.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you regarding the next steps!

Leeahn Kim

University of Bath
Desired Start Date
Jul 01, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-03-23T02:42:42+09:00March 11th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

Carel: South Africa: North West University: Jun 05, 2023

Carel: South Africa: North West University: Jun 05, 2023

I am experienced and well versed in TOEFL, Debate, Literature, and general English grammar and English teaching
I am hard working and strongly believe in effectiveness, efficiency, equality and fairness and good communication and try to live by these values as far as I can.
I am hard working and a proficient problem solver
I am adaptable and work well in an environment where people can see and appreciate your value and I also give praise to people who add value to my life.

South Africa
North West University
Desired Start Date
Jun 05, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-03-23T02:42:00+09:00March 8th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

DAE HO: Korea: KOREA UNIVERSITY: Mar 20, 2023

DAE HO: Korea: KOREA UNIVERSITY: Mar 20, 2023

While working for a long time as a production PD at MBC Radio, I directed and produced a number of programs. Representative directing programs include [Lee Jeok's Starry Night], [Lee So-ra's Music City], [Yoon Jong-shin's 2:00 Date], [Tablo Cho Jeong-rin's Close Friend], [Kim Ea-na's Letter at Night], [Park Kyung-lim's There are [Starry Night], [Lee Joo-yeon's film music], [Bae Chul-soo's music camp], [Son Seok-hee's Attention] (Director) / [Idol Radio] project.

While producing/directing programs, I have won numerous broadcasting-related awards, including [Korea Broadcasting Awards], [PD Awards], and [Broadcasting and Communications Deliberation Committee's [Good Program of the Month Award] (awarded twice).

When I was working at MBC, I had the experience of covering and staying in many countries for about 2 years (6 months in Europe, 3 months in China, 3 months in Southwest Asia, 1 month in Africa, etc.) I watched a number of cultureal performances.

Also, while serving as the head of FM at MBC, I was in charge of donating 20,000 traditional folk songs of [Finding Our Sound], recorded by seniors at MBC Radio for 30 years, to the city of Seoul for free. At the time, there was a lot of opposition within the company, but I actively argued that donating our precious intangible cultural heritage with the spirit of our ancestors to the museum is the best way to make keep our traditional folk songs. Finally, I was able to convince them. As a result, the Seoul city Government was able to establish the [Our Sori Museum] in front of Changdeokgung Palace.

About 80% of the programs I directed were popular music related programs broadcasted on the MBC-FM channel. For this reason, we made a mini-concert every week in a live broadcasting studio on a small scale, and [MBC FM Summer Music Festival] on a large scale, attended by over 50,000 people.

In addition, I participated in directing [Jam Concert] (5,000 audience), summer vacation camp, etc. while directing [Starry Night], and while directing [Lee So-ra's Music City], monthly small theater concert [FULL MOON’S MUSIC PARTY]. In addition, we have successfully directed large-scale performances such as [MBC FM- DJ Concert], which is the largest annual event of MBC-FM.

Having worked as a radio PD at MBC since 1994, I have been directing live broadcasts for 2 hours every day for 25 years. In order to direct live radio broadcasts every day, you need to be able to communicate smoothly with not only seniors in the media like Son Seok-hee, but also star musicians like singer Lee So-ra and rapper Tablo, so that the program can produce high results. While I was producing these programs, I made sure that many of them occupied the first place in the same time slot listening rate.

Producers of radio programs always need the ability to communicate well with writers, engineers, and other staff, as well as relationships with star hosts. As a specific example, while directing [Son Seok-hee's Attention], I made sure that a healthy, tense relationship was formed among the host, a famous anchor, and the big-time politicians who appeared in the show. In addition, numerous complaints regarding the contents of the broadcast were raised daily from both sides, but efforts were made to ensure that the program does not lose its sense of balance through discussions with the staff.

While working as a radio program production director (PD) at MBC, I have always thought that radio PDs play a role similar to that of a Korean language teacher for listeners. As radio PDs, we must use only sound to help listeners understand the content in their native language.

Over the course of 26 years and producing over 30 programs, I have always made an effort to use correct Korean language and have studied it as well. With this knowledge and experience, I would like to provide enjoyable and fun, yet proper Korean language education to students

Desired Start Date
Mar 20, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-03-23T02:41:59+09:00March 8th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

SUNG YOON: Korea: Auburn University: Apr 03, 2023

SUNG YOON: Korea: Auburn University: Apr 03, 2023

I have communicated well with students and improved their grades.

Auburn University
Desired Start Date
Apr 03, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-03-23T02:41:34+09:00March 5th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments
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