SAT/AP Teachers

Thomas: United Kingdom: Cardiff University: Nov 01, 2023

Thomas: United Kingdom: Cardiff University: Nov 01, 2023

I am an organised and reliable individual with a proven ability to self-motivate and work under pressure whilst ensuring work is accurate and completed to deadlines: I am proactive, ambitious and enthusiastic. I am quick to grasp new concepts and extremely hard-working. I am able to build and maintain strong relationships with both colleagues and students, allowing for better communication and a healthy rapport with those around me. This, in turn, lends me strength in managing others.

United Kingdom
Cardiff University
Desired Start Date
Nov 01, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-07-11T16:19:18+09:00July 10th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

Reese: United States: Lake Forest College: Aug 20, 2023

Reese: United States: Lake Forest College: Aug 20, 2023

I have experience with tutoring students in subjects such as English literature, history, and rhetoric, and work well both independently and on a team. In addition, I am familiar with a range of teaching and tutoring techniques as I have a TEFL certification from a 120 hour course. I also worked at Lake Forest College as a Writing Tutor, where I also earned my Bachelor of Arts in English. I am excited by new challenges and take seriously the professional refinement of my skills; during my final year of instruction at Lake Forest College, I wrote a Bachelor’s dissertation on literary analysis of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, which prepares me today for teaching students the importance of writing with clarity and poise. My experience and willingness to learn are two major assets I would bring to your workplace. My prior engagement with the Writing Center at Lake Forest College taught me the logistics of teaching grammar, essay construction, and literature analysis to students. I learned there that a good tutor is intuitive, pays attention to the student’s needs, and adapts to unexpected circumstances. I am a quick learner and know that every day I will face new opportunities to grow.

United States
Lake Forest College
Desired Start Date
Aug 20, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-07-10T16:11:18+09:00July 9th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

Chris: Ireland: Nottingham Trent University: Oct 01, 2023

Chris: Ireland: Nottingham Trent University: Oct 01, 2023

I am an experienced teacher who also works on other projects currently, including freelance copy editing and content creation. For the most part, my focus has been on education though, and I am now ready to transfer my considerable teaching experience to a more hands-on environment.

I am a very friendly, approachable and outgoing individual; my strengths lie mainly in my ability to express complex ideas in a simple and understandable manner, as well as my patient approach.

Nottingham Trent University
Desired Start Date
Oct 01, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-07-10T16:11:07+09:00July 9th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

portia: South Africa: college: Nov 30, 2023

portia: South Africa: college: Nov 30, 2023

Dear sir/madam.

it is with great excitement that i submit this letter as my application for the teaching elementary school. I believe that with my strong critical thinking skills, teachers are able to consider the best interests of the students while also working within their institution's goals and standards.
Imaginative thinking would contribute to the school.
I've been teaching for a year and completed my Tefl certificate about 3 months ago I've been doing after work as i am curranty employed as a general admin for about 10 years, i also have completed my NQF4 in general business management.

South Africa
Desired Start Date
Nov 30, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-07-05T00:35:36+09:00July 4th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

Katarzyna: United Kingdom: Wyzsza Szkola Informatyki i Ekonomii TWP in Olsztyn, Poland ,Master of Early Childhood Education: Jan 08, 2023

Katarzyna: United Kingdom: Wyzsza Szkola Informatyki i Ekonomii TWP in Olsztyn, Poland ,Master of Early Childhood Education: Jan 08, 2023

Dear Miss,

I am writing to express my interest in your vacancy for an English teacher which was recently advertised on website. My background in teaching includes experience of working according to the Early Years Foundation Stage. In addition to this I have extensive knowledge of different teaching strategies and styles.

As someone who is dedicated to providing the highest quality of service at all times, I am always involved in all aspects of teaching and planning and details. As a highly motivated person I find problems as challenges . With my present employer I have a reputation for ensuring that the safety and welfare of children is at the centre of all my work.

I thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Katarzyna Karolina Chmielewska

United Kingdom
Wyzsza Szkola Informatyki i Ekonomii TWP in Olsztyn, Poland ,Master of Early Childhood Education
Desired Start Date
Jan 08, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-07-05T00:37:31+09:00July 4th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

Jeongseon: Korea: MYEONGJI UNIVERSITY, Seoul, Korea: Jan 08, 2023

Jeongseon: Korea: MYEONGJI UNIVERSITY, Seoul, Korea: Jan 08, 2023

1. Personality
When I work, I devote to my students. Those who have difficulties in anything love me because I try to solve their problems together. Based on my experience working in Korea and China, I can also give students new perspectives for variable things.
2. Ability
I have excellent English grammar and reading skills. After understanding any phrases in my own way, I can give students a proper explanation. It is my pleasure in my life to see needy students improve their grades.

Desired Start Date
Jan 08, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-07-01T16:08:32+09:00June 30th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

새강: Korea: 북경외국어대학교: Jan 08, 2023

새강: Korea: 북경외국어대학교: Jan 08, 2023

저는 조직적이고 세밀한 관찰력을 갖고 있기 때문에, 다양한 사실로부터 의미있는 결론을 이끌어내고 이 것을 통하여 많은 것을 예측할수 있으므로 조직이나 단체 활동에서 유익한 영향을 줄 줄 아는 사람입니다. 지적이면서도 실질적인면이 있어 다른 사람들과 협력할 줄 아는 지혜를 가졌으며 다양한사고를 수용할 수 있는 융통성을 지녔습니다. 또한 어려운 문제에 직면해서도 쉽게 좌절하지 않고 극복하려고 노력하는 끈기와 근면함이 있으므로 학생들을 지도하는 데 있어서 선한 영향력을 끼칠 수 있을 것이라고 생각합니다.

Desired Start Date
Jan 08, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-06-27T16:07:28+09:00June 27th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

JONG NAM: Korea: Michigan State University BS, Catholic Kwandong University BA: Jul 23, 2023

JONG NAM: Korea: Michigan State University BS, Catholic Kwandong University BA: Jul 23, 2023


With respect to my personality, I consider myself an introvert and also extravert through a life in the US and eventually to be open-minded, which I had learned and experienced the cultures, customs, traditions, manners, etiquette, and values of the US where I graduated high school and college and earned an Economics degree in 2007. The challenges of being ambitious, hard-work, effort, and courage, which approximately ten years of my youth were spent there, played an important role in my personality development in a positive way that I was able to treat others with kindness, respect, and love in a considerate manner through the interaction of people of different racial and ethnic groups.

I spent four or five years in my late twenties and early thirties working at variety groups of companies in Seoul and other industrial areas in South Korea where I could handle with many different kinds of tasks in the field such as International Trade, Marketing, Finance, Domestic Trade, and Accounting. However, after quite time passed, I could not found out any values that give my own lives meaning after commuting from work to home everyday, and after all, I realized that my personality didn’t match all these jobs. At this present moment, although I could understand the core principle of Economics through hard work, back in the old days, I thought that my personality didn’t match to the Economics major. Thus, I decided to return to school, known as Catholic Kwandong University in Gangwon-do Province, later in life as a transfer student in 2014, and obtained a Certificate of Secondary 2 Full-time Teacher.

Although I haven’t had any prior research with a professor, my work experiences and educational backgrounds in Economics and English Education have provided me with a strong and comprehensive understanding of English Education. I am actively involved with working in a wide variety of groups, and take an active role within the group in order for the collaborative group work well done. My hobbies are reading a book, to climb a mountain around my house, and watch the current general issues of the economy, healthcare, environment, society, and politics in the US through the Internet, especially on weekends.

By referring to the saying “Time goes fast”, I had the ironic thought that the speed of my learning is faster than time in which I felt like returning to the same lifetime in a past-life, with the exception of the environment where I can manage my time effectively, plan and organize my study schedule, in the school.

The experience in the US and South Korea was a unique opportunity to broaden my understanding and knowledge of improving performance in learning and to find out new ideas, thoughts, judgments, reasonings, insights and beliefs in the study which I can devote all my strength to maintain in an area where I can push myself forward.

Reasons for Application

I am honored to apply for the teaching job at Interantional Private School in Qingdao, China because I am passionately interested in syntax and the theory of English Education, the study of English Education gives me great pleasure, and my ultimate goal is to be an academic and make contributions to teaching and publish books related with English Education.

In syntax, I accidently picked up a book name called Radford’s Transformational Grammar, a first course, 1988 among other linguistic books. Even though I had a difficulty understanding the book, I started to read without any expectation, to be very interested in the logics, and enjoyed the way the author explained his observation, experiments, rules, principles and other relevant theories, in which, his assumption and generalization on the concept with a reasonable explanation drove me into thinking in a logical and analytical way, along with managing my school work.

In brief, mostly, dealing with a concept of x-bar theory, head and adjuncts, c-specifier position, alpha movement rules and finally reaching to Emonds’ structure-preserving constraint, which is supposed to be the main goal of the syntax, really motivated me the most to learn more about syntax, and to follow the dual degree program. Especially, when Radford indicated about the complement and adjunct, I continued to think to find out about other ways to distinguish the complement and adjunct instead of using their basic principle, which involves their location to the head, of which, eventually led me into studying deeply about the relationship between the complement and adjunct, which, in turn affected me greatly with feeling that the more I study the more I wanted to know about the syntax.

In the theory of English Education, my thoughts on the best method of teaching and learning through using Long’s interactional hypothesis in a social constructivist model of the second language acquisition and Daughty’s, the negotiation of meaning, have led me to pursue this degree involving intensive research in English Education from which I assume that they are closely related each other to produce the comprehensible input which leads to the language acquisition based on my observation, my personal experience, the particular circumstances and facts.

Lastly, my primary motivation of this application is that I believe that I could help learners express their inner creative potentialities, and teach my conceptions, abstractions, notions, ideas, knowledge and the learnt thoughts in the near future for the younger generations who can be a competitive, innovative, and creative in any places around the world where English is used.

Michigan State University BS, Catholic Kwandong University BA
Desired Start Date
Jul 23, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-06-23T16:09:59+09:00June 23rd, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

Rosemary: United Kingdom: The Open University: Aug 30, 2023

Rosemary: United Kingdom: The Open University: Aug 30, 2023

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to apply for the primary school English teacher role at your school in Qingdao, China. I saw the job advertised on and am available to start immediately.

I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the Open University in 2018 and got my TEFL and child developmental psychology certificates in 2021. I also have a certificate in counselling skills, and I am a King's College London postgraduate student studying psychology and neuroscience of mental health distance learning.

I have always enjoyed working with children; I am working with a diverse group of children voluntarily teaching English as a second language, reading & creativity, and playgroups. I also did some mentoring with Project Scotland which I didn't include in my CV. I enjoy watching children learn and develop as they discover the world around them. Although the job didn't state the years of experience required, I believe that my voluntary experience working with children and the skills I have developed whilst studying give me a better understanding of children and would enable me to do a better job.

The children in my care are my priority, including their learning, safety, and general well-being. I encourage and support their curiosity to explore and promote social relationships because it helps facilitate their learning. Thus, I am flexible and adaptable to every aspect of their changing learning needs and open to learning and finding creative ways to do things. I go the extra mile to ensure that the children in my care are happy learners.

I am personable, energetic, fun, empathetic compassionate, and a great listener. I have general cultural awareness, with cross-cultural empathy & behavioural flexibility skills, as these are needed to build rapport & trust in people, creating a comfortable & fun environment for learning. I also understand the importance of parent-teacher relationships in fostering a robust learning environment for the developing child.

I am dedicated in all I do and reflective because it helps me grow both personally & professionally. I can work as part of a team as well as independently. I know how to manage my time and am flexible with covering for absences. I would make a great addition to your team if given the opportunity. I have attached my CV to this application for your review, and thank you in advance for your time.

I look forward to hearing from you.

With kind regards,
Rosemary Frost

United Kingdom
The Open University
Desired Start Date
Aug 30, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-06-20T05:45:27+09:00June 19th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments

Ingon: Korea: Korea: Sep 01, 2023

Ingon: Korea: Korea: Sep 01, 2023

Until recently, I have mainly worked as an editor of textbooks such as Korean language textbooks. However, as an editor of a Korean language textbook, I have written the book (*The Child who knows poetry―My literature textbook for teenagers, 2013) that offers alternatives to Korean language and literature education. And For two years, I have also ran a private academy for children and adolescents(*Purunet Academy, 2019~2021).

Desired Start Date
Sep 01, 2023

인터뷰를 희망하시면 아래 방법중 하나를 통해서 신청해주세요.

신규 고객의 경우

기존 고객의 경우, 카톡문의

By |2023-05-15T16:06:32+09:00May 14th, 2023|SAT/AP Teachers|0 Comments
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