Camila: United Kingdom: Aug 01, 2019

I am extremely professional, organized, detail-oriented, and passionate about students and teaching. I have worked as a tutor, EFL teacher (ages 4 to 60), ESL teacher, and English Language Arts teacher. I have taught English as a foreign language in South Korea, Spain, and the United States. I have worked with students of all ages from children to adults as well as all different backgrounds.

I work really hard to ensure that all my students learn the best they can. I like having fun in class while also pushing students to work as hard as they can. I set high goals for my students and then do everything I can to help them reach them. At my current job, only my students at the lowest level (learning phonics) are allowed to speak Korean in class. Even classes where other teachers allow them to speak Korean due to their limited English vocabulary, the students only use English in my class. This is because I like to build an environment where learning English is not a chore, but something they enjoy and want to do. I do this by making every lesson as engaging as possible.

I am also a perfectionist. This means that I work very hard to constantly improve myself and my classes. Even when others would stop and say "it's good enough," I keep trying to improve.

I am highly skilled with Google Docs and organizing information. These skills helped me when I was designing and planning curriculum back in the United States. But, it has also served me when helping to develop a debate curriculum for my current Hagwon.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Aug 01, 2019

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