Ben: United Kingdom: Apr 01, 2022

I am a conscientious and motivated individual with a passion for education, an outstanding academic background in applied mathematics and theoretical physics, and excellent communication skills.

Education is at the heart of my current role as senior engineering technical writer at MathWorks, where my job consists of writing and organising the documentation for wireless communication software packages. While this job has provided intellectual fulfilment and given me the opportunity to work as part of cross-functional and multicultural teams in the context of a private software company with mathematics at the heart of its products, I am looking to experience a more interactive and less sedentary work environment, where I can connect with students and adapt my approach to suit their individual and collective needs.

My teaching experience includes private tutoring roles undertaken while studying for my BSc, assisting with undergraduate mathematics tutorials throughout the duration of my PhD, and giving lectures and leading tutorials while working as a research associate. I have worked with a range of age groups and levels, which spans teaching S1 mathematics to 11-year-olds, teaching mature students mathematics and engineering at the undergraduate level, and lecturing and tutoring Masters-level topics in applied mathematics and theoretical physics. I’ve genuinely enjoyed these teaching experiences and their associated challenges and triumphs, and have felt first-hand the satisfaction that comes from seeing students demonstrate genuine understanding and achieve their goals.

Through my education and work experience, I have cultivated skills essential to teaching such as organisation, flexibility, communication.

For more information, please see my CV.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Apr 01, 2022

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