Ashley: United Kingdom: Jan 01, 2021

Confident and enthusiastic individual bringing several years of
experience guiding, mentoring and developing individuals of all
ages. Eager to succeed through a love of hard work, attention to
detail and excellent organizational skills. Well-developed communication and problem-solving abilities with eye for detail and highly creative coaching style. Motivated to learn, grow and excel in the ESL teaching industry.

My primary passion in life is travelling; I love meeting new people, learning new languages, discovering new cultures, and simply being in new environments. In 2018 I spent one year living in the United States (CA), where I adapted and adjusted to the local lifestyle – as well as having a lot of experience travelling through central America and Europe. Furthermore, I have keen interests in health and wellbeing, physical fitness and the outdoors in general. I’m also incredibly hungry to learn new skills to feed my ongoing love of self-improvement.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Jan 01, 2021

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