Alexandra: United States: Mar 01, 2019

As someone who has a passion for both children and education, I believe my personality and skills would make me a perfect candidate for this teaching experience. I am currently living in Lianyungang, China. I am working as an English teacher, and am loving every second of it! I love all of the experiences that come with living in a foreign country, I am constantly learning new customs and ways of life every day!
I love the process of preparing for classes and lesson plans, and then seeing the students soak up the information in the classroom. Children have tons of energy, and in order to truly connect with children, you need to have just as much if not more! Fortunately, my high energy and outgoing personality keeps my students constantly engaged. I believe that all teachers have an obligation, and that is to create a comfortable learning environment. An environment that is warm and welcoming, that allows for students to flourish. Such an environment will promote critical thinking, along with creativity in the classroom. This is my teaching philosophy, and this is exactly the environment that I create and will continue to create for all of my students.
My passion for teaching and education all began when I volunteered at an after school literacy program when I was a teenager. Many of the students were learning English as a second language, and I would assist them in reading and proper pronunciation. This is when I realized how important the power of language truly is. I speak English and Spanish, and am currently enrolled in Korean lessons online.
My teaching experience, engaging personality, and linguistic skills make me exceptionally unique. I understand all of the trials and difficulties that accompany the process of learning a new language, which is what makes me a remarkable English teacher.

United States
Desired Start Date
Mar 01, 2019

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