Alaina: United States: Feb 05, 2024

I have two degrees, one in accounting and one in business management, and I have spent 5 years in the workforce. Though my jobs in the accounting field don't directly relate to teaching, I feel I've developed many of the skills necessary to be a great teacher. My experience in the accounting field has increased my skills in interpersonal communication, task management, and leadership, as I've helped host meetings, meet short monthly deadlines, and worked with a team teaching and developing new processes. In my college school work and the jobs I have had since, I have worked frequently on teams for different assignments and job tasks. I have learned to communicate succinctly and effectively so that I am clearly understood and our work can progress successfully. I feel these skills would be of great benefit as an English teacher. I am very patient, kind, and positive, and I love supporting and encouraging the growth of those around me as they develop and flourish within their fields. I am a hard worker and always do the job I am assigned to the best of my ability, as I know my work reflects not only on me but on those around me as well.

United States
Desired Start Date
Feb 05, 2024

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