Aaron: United States: Feb 26, 2021

Dear Hiring Manager:
RE: English Teacher (TEFL)
I am writing in reply to your advertisement for the English Teaching (TEFL) position advertised
on your website. My resume is attached for your consideration.
As you can see from my resume, my background as a manager, technical support specialist, and
over all business communcations expert has given me experience in educating both employees and
customers. I also have some experience volunteering at my local church teaching Sunday school. Even
though I am just starting out on the path to rebooting my career, I believe I have a strong background
for this.
After completing my masters degree in Chrisitan education, I followed up with this training by
obtaining a level 5, 168 hour TEFL certification. I gained some valuable knowledge from doing this,
and I am keen now to put to use the methods and skills I learnt from the teaching course..
Thank you in advance for setting up the next step in the process. I look forward to a successful
interview and welcome the opportunity to start my teaching career and the next chapter in my career
journey with you.
Aaron J. Ashley
Email/skype/teams: zanzibar196@gmail.com
Kakao: zanzibar196

United States
Desired Start Date
Feb 26, 2021

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