MAIREAD: United Kingdom: Jan 01, 2021

I have two years’ experience teaching young learners aged 5 to 7 and 14 to 17. I also have experience teaching 8 to 13-year olds and adults. Through this experience, I have developed confidence and endeavour to pass this on to my students. I support them and try to inspire them to realise their full potential in all things especially the English language. My teaching experience has been gleaned through teaching students of all ages and all levels in Thailand, Greece and England through which I have developed a sensitivity to cultural differences and traditions. I also have a good general knowledge and a good specific knowledge of TEFL acquired from my own education and my experience of teaching to date, through listening to specialists and my own inquiries.
Regarding my personality, I have an innate curiosity. I love to learn myself and I continue to as I go along. I appreciate there is always room for improvement and I enjoy every opportunity to develop as a teacher. I am very aware that I have an obligation not only to my students and myself but also to my employer to demonstrate a high standard of teaching. For example. when researching teaching topics, I always try to develop interesting lessons which appeal to my students’ own curiosity and endeavour to fully engage them. I try hard to pass on a real sense of curiosity and enquiry to students. I am also patient, empathetic, encouraging and understanding of my students especially those who might seem challenged. I understand that what may be easy for some can be very challenging to others and I try to make them feel understood. I had to utilise this attribute when I taught 5-6-year olds in Thailand as classes comprised students of a wide variety of levels. I would give those students who found understanding harder, extra help and guidance to assist them keep up with the rest of the class without my becoming frustrated. Again in a class of Chinese and Italian teenagers, speaking was difficult for one nationality whereas it was writing for another. With time, practice and my being patient, both groups improved their weaker skill which in turn lead to a more cohesive class. In addition, I am adaptable when things do not go according to plan. For example, teaching teenagers English in summer camps in England when the technology stops working or in several Frontesteria in Greece where none exists. I am also adaptable to new circumstances and am willing to embrace a new environment as a learning experience. I appreciate too that teaching in one school can be quite different from teaching in another as I have discovered teaching in summer schools, a state school and a private school to date.
Re my skills, I have been told I communicate well, am enthusiastic and positive. The first skill I honed from my teaching experience to date and previously working as a Solicitor where I had to communicate with clients and colleagues in as clearly and simply a fashion as possible. I now find I can set tasks for students, procuring results with minimum speech and body language. The latter skills of enthusiasm and positivity I have developed as I am keen to create a good learning environment for students. Over time in law and now teaching, I have also learned the skill of standing up in front of a group of strangers/students. I have also developed the skill of time management and am organised. I have found that this leads to a much better classroom experience for both the students and me. I have learned to focus on what’s important to the learner. I am also able to work independently and in a team.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Jan 01, 2021

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