Alexander: United Kingdom: Dec 01, 2019

Currently, I am midway through my studies for a 188 Hour TEFL Certificate, and am eager to find a reputable school and environment in Japan to start my teaching career. As you will see from my details, I am a highly motivated and determined individual. Throughout my working life, I have not only had experience managing teams of mixed ages and genders in the workplace, but also had to engage and ensure the safety of young adults as customers in my previous job roles. During my Military service I have also instructed Units of 4-28 people at any one time.

I have always been keen to travel and experience other cultures, which was one of my driving motivations for joining the Military. I believe the role that you have available offers an opportunity to combine my desire to travel and experience a culture I have developed a genuine interest in, whilst both learning about and contributing to in my own small way.

Having already had experience of living abroad, I feel that I will be an effectual assistant in the development of my young students as representatives of their country, and of the globalised world we now live in. I know that overall, the life experiences I have had till now give me the potential to aid a Japanese teacher and colleague as an English Language Teacher, helping them to educate Japan’s next generation. A vitally important role, inspiring curiosity and engagement with the wider world.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Dec 01, 2019

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