My teaching experience includes working in China for nearly three years. With my first job in Beijing I worked for an English training school and Kindergarten. I then worked for Beijing Royal Foreign Language School, a top international boarding private school. My teaching experience there has been with large classes in grades 2,3 and 5. I also helped run the schools ‘’Global Scholars’’ program, with grades 5 and 6.
Following on from this I worked as a homeroom teacher in Seoul at YBM PSA. Here I got to experience the more hands on elements of homeroom teaching and together with my two Korean colleagues thought a class of 20 students. This also afforded me the opportunity to teach new subjects. After completing my time in Korea I returned to BRS to teach grade 5 for another year.
My continual training and work in both these schools in China and my experience in Korea has given me a very good grasp of the key mechanism for teaching through English as a foreign language, and how to best apply these in a classroom environment.
I have also previously worked in the Irish Military. My experiences in the Irish Defence Forces have great relevance to teaching in China, as they have instilled in me a great sense of personal responsibility and high standards of professional and personal conduct. My time in the army also provided me with many opportunities to give History lectures.
With my teaching I hope to maximize my student’s individual performance while simultaneously providing an engaging and enjoyable classroom experience. Hopefully my teaching will inspire their passion for learning, encourage their personal growth and further their professional aspirations.
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