I have always loved learning and have always wanted to teach. I enjoyed studying for a Law degree and for the Legal Practice Course where I obtained a distinction. During my education, I have found that education is an important factor in helping to achieve social justice and I am very much interested in helping students to learn in a positive and supportive environment; I feel that this will be beneficial for them and will help to lay the foundations for a successful life, academically, professionally and socially by helping to make them more well informed and engaged members of society.
At GCSE and A – Level, I enjoyed helping other students and would often encourage them to complete their work and to revise for examinations. I achieved two A’s and a B at A-Level and was mentioned in the local newspaper and the college prospectus. I would like the opportunity to inspire young people, to teach them to love learning and to develop a positive attitude that will help them to overcome the fear of failure, for example in my first year at college I sat one of the modules for an exam early and was awarded a C grade by the end of the year I had achieved almost all A grades. I really want to encourage students from all backgrounds to ‘never give up,’ as my father always encouraged me to do.
During my first term at university, I volunteered one day a week at the Redbridge Refugee Forum and became aware of the challenges that refugee families face not just with acquiring a new language but with obtaining food, adequate shelter and other financial support which could have an adverse impact on their education. My volunteering experience reminded me of the difficulties that young people from disadvantaged backgrounds faced when learning and helped me to observe the importance of managing class time efficiently to make sure each student was provided with support in the classroom and to tailor the provision of information to accommodate different learning styles to different young people where possible.
I have worked as a Switchboard Operator and Receptionist during the day and night shifts at two hotels and have learnt to successfully work with people from different backgrounds and this has helped me to develop excellent communication skills. I have worked as a Commercial Litigation Paralegal and as a Business Support Officer, for the Children’s Social Services department, in the youth centre and office, as a result, I have resolved to provide young people with the same great educational experience I was given.
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