Kieran: United Kingdom: Mar 01, 2025

With a decade of experience working in the development and youth sector, I would bring enthusiasm, determination and skills to the team. Born on the Island of Hoy, I am committed to seeing rural Scotland thrive. I understand the problems our communities face: volunteer fatigue; youth depopulation; (fuel) poverty – the challenges are many. But, the people who built an infrastructure of opportunity from grassroots volunteering, inspire me daily.
Right now, I am working as a Community Development Officer for Island of Hoy Development Trust: leading a community owned housing project. This initiative was born from a grassroots ambition to combat the housing crisis, caused partially by the rise of AirBnB and Holiday Homes outpricing young and working people. I formed a steering group, made up from local islanders; especially, young people who attend the Hoy Youth Hub (of which I am also a Trustee), in order to embed the younger generations’ voices into our community housing strategy. The project demands a high level of autonomy and flexibility, collaborating with the Local Council, Scottish Land Fund, Housing specialists – hence, my communication skills need to be excellent. Inclusion is foundational to my community outreach, as I strive to hear everyone’s voice, particularly those from minority groups or individuals lacking confidence. I hold creative workshops at the local primary school, because the youngest islanders have a stake in our future. Holding idea cafes in the community café, and online, provides an alternative setting to gather thoughts, ideas and opinions, and this has demonstrated that conventional meetings do not always harness the imagination of all community members. I am comfortable working under high pressure and spontaneous conditions, as the needs of the island can change depending on external circumstances, such as Wind Turbine failure and therefore the need to generate new forms of income for our island economy. In a prior capacity as Project Development Officer for the Trust, I led the restoration of a disused building, and created a vibrant island hub, comprised of a community hub, digital suite (with the aim of tackling digital inequality), and a space for young people.
I am firmly committed to ensuring young people are heard, in spaces where decisions about their future are taken. As Project Coordinator for Rural Youth Project, I led a series of Idea Hack weekends in rural areas of Scotland, including Hoy and Huntly, where young people were invited to attend: sharing their experiences of rural life and their vision for the future of their community and Scotland more broadly. Organising the events included, budget management, recruitment, stakeholder engagement, logistical planning – and ultimately, creating the workshop resources for the weekend event. I facilitated a range of group conversations and team building workshops. Further, I chaired a dialogue between policy makers, development trust board reps, councillors and MSP reps and the youth delegates. Consequentially, stakeholders, including Development Trusts and policy makers, were inspired by the ideas and passion the youth delegates had, demonstrating the critical need to continue these conversations and ensure the voice of young people is heard loudly. I was tasked with conceiving impact reports, assessing the success of these events. I also maintained Rural Youth Project’s presence on social media platforms, which helped diversify our youth network. I am confident advocating for stronger representation of young people in rural places, having spoken at Scottish Parliament on behalf of Rural Youth Project, and continue to speak up for young people and the challenges they face.
Working for Glasgow Caledonian University as a Researcher, I measured the impact of policy across the Devolved Nations of the United Kingdom, with specific focus on community owned assets and the extent to which this process empowers those involved. I built relationships with public bodies, including Scottish Government, and four community groups who formed to take on an asset in their community. The Scottish Case Study documented the journey a Development Trust in Strathnaver went on to take a Clearance Village back into community ownership. At the core of the research, was co-production; hence, I was led by the needs and wishes of the local people pursuing the acquisition. I developed research skills, in developing case studies based on interviews, surveys and various workshops with the wider community. Ultimately, I helped analyse the findings and created reports designed for government, and I presented our findings at the Rural Entrepreneurs Conference in Glasgow.
Holding a first-class honour in Drama, and an MLitt Playwriting and Dramaturgy, I enjoy working in demanding, yet creative environments. Following graduation, I volunteered overseas in Uganda and Nepal for several months, with youth led charity Restless Development. I enjoyed learning from new people, and especially loved living with host families, where I practised Nepali and tried to learn new recipes. As Programme Team Lead in Nepal, I supported the health and wellbeing of three cohorts of young volunteers, from across UK and Nepal. I learned many things, but chiefly the power of listening, respect and kindness.
Nepal remains my favourite country, outside Scotland, and sparked my love for travelling and meeting new people. In my free time, I volunteer; currently, I am setting up creative writing workshops, specifically for the LGBTQ community within Orkney, where services lack, which is being supported by LGBT Health and Wellbeing. When the weather is good, you’ll find my cycling or wandering a coast!
I would bring confident experience in community development and youth advocacy, based on my international and regional work. I am committed to ensuring the voices of young people in Scotland’s rural communities are not ignored, and bring energetic and creative solutions to the problems we face. Based on my home island, I am passionate about rural places and the people who make these communities great places to live. Finally, I would love the opportunity to bring enthusiasm and determination to the role of Project Lead for Rural Youth Action Network.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Mar 01, 2025

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