Suzannah: United Kingdom: Jan 04, 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my application. Enclosed in my teaching application you will find my curriculum vitae; however, I would briefly like to address the strong abilities that make me a desirable candidate for interview.

Firstly, I have a strong aptitude to working as a team, and as you will see from my highly unique resume, I am extremely adaptable to different environments and team dynamics. Secondly, I am a keen learner; as an assertive individual, I am always looking at how to better my own knowledge and how best to integrate this into the classroom. Thirdly, I have vast understanding of linguistics in not only English but in modern foreign languages as well. Lastly, I am a highly creative individual who is not afraid to shy away from adventurous and exploratory lesson planning.

Within the classroom I practice firmness but fairness in my discipline, whilst maintaining a communal sense of compassion, as every child deserves to succeed. I have had a broad experience in the age groups I have taught and the requirements of those pupils; I believe this has made me a flexible and highly adaptable individual. Most importantly I hope you will acknowledge the kindness and ethics that I value within my application.

I truly believe that I have the potential to grow not only as a teacher but as a person through this experience. I wish you luck in finding the most suitable candidate for the job.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,

Suzannah Dubowski

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Jan 04, 2021

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