Robert: United Kingdom: Sep 01, 2018

I am a young graduate who is looking for exciting opportunities to travel and experience new cultures, specifically to countries in Asia. I have therefore completed my TEFL certificate to train me to teach English as a Foreign language in Asia, allowing me to live and work in a foreign country. I have always wished to travel to this part of the world as it is a vibrant and exciting culture so the opportunity to participate in the culture directly instead of as a tourist is utterly enthralling. Therefore, I am looking for opportunities to start around August/September 2018, in schools in Asian countries, such as Japan, South Korea, China and Hong Kong.

I have continuously been involved in teaching throughout my time at school and through University as a volunteer at a sports camp and football coaching. I am a very positive individual who continues to challenge myself and a willingness to succeed at what I put my mind to. From this I look to bring out the best in all my students and feel hugely rewarded when seeing student improvement and success.

I have recently completed a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Sport Science (Biomechanics) at Brunel University, obtaining a 2:1 class degree. During my time at Uni I completed a year long unpaid placement at West Ham United Football Club as part of my studies and learning. This experience allowed me to work with the academy as a coach and teacher for the U8-U18 year old players. I planned and implemented coaching plans for all these age groups to a professional standard and found this as a quality learning experience on teaching methods and how to produce effective/fun lessons.

I have recently completed my TEFL qualification 120+ Online course to help give me the knowledge on how to deliver effective English lessons to foreign students. This has led on from my practical skills whilst I was at West Ham and allows for those skills to be implemented within the classroom, including classroom discipline and creating a positive learning environment centered on student talking time.

As mentioned above, I am a keen sportsman and regularly participate in Hockey and Cricket, whilst also a regular gym goer and cyclist for regular fitness. I also enjoy gaming and social activities with friends.

Please view my CV for further details on qualifications and skills.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Sep 01, 2018

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