JONGGIL: Korea: Gangwon National Univ.: Apr 15, 2019

– Lion king? No, Mind king –
I have been teached many children&teenagers(I can't count) with english, ski/snowboard, career counseling, math etc) I'm not a normal teacher who just teach only subjects. I can play with my students and sympathize with their worry. if they need to play tennis, soccer, basketball or musical, amusement park, I will offer everything for my studnets. because i also can learn a number of things from my students.
The reason i apply here is that i started leaning chinese these days. If i can live here, I wanna move.

Additional Adv.
– Large vehicles license
– Photoshop IM level
– MOS program Adv level

Gangwon National Univ.
Desired Start Date
Apr 15, 2019

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