Jeeyun: Korea: Memorial University of Newfoundland: Aug 01, 1995

I have lived in an environment where I could easily access foreign countries since I was young thanks to my father's occupation. In the summer of my first year of elementary school, I went to my uncle's house in China, and I started living with foreign friends while attending a local school in Weihai, China.

Although the environment that changed since childhood sometimes made life difficult and fearful, life in a foreign country was not that bad. The unsparing attention and love that my parents gave me at every difficult time became the most powerful.

Also, I accepted that English was a barrier to be overcome, so I did not complain and I was able to adjust to school life with the consideration and positive support from my foreign teachers.

I do believe in the cruciality of an educator in a student's learning experience and their academic performances. Working in my previous workplace have reminded me again of how much I have wanted to become a teacher in an international school. I am confident that my skills and experiences make me a perfect fit for the position.

Memorial University of Newfoundland
Desired Start Date
Aug 01, 1995

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