Charlotte: United Kingdom: Jun 01, 2018

I pride myself on being enthusiastic, hard-working and conscientious in my approach, as well as being sociable and friendly in my outlook.

I have a degree in English Literature and since graduating have always worked in customer service roles which have strengthened many of the skills that I have learnt from study – such as communication and time management. My last job in particular required a great many interpersonal skills, as well as the ability to communicate confidently over the phone, face to face and in writing. I also had the opportunity to deliver a small amount of training to newer colleagues which was something that I had no previous experience in, but very much enjoyed and led me to think about a career change that would incorporate skills that I currently had, my love of the English language and offer the opportunity to make a difference as well as for continuous self-improvement.

I have received recognition from previous managers within the workplace for my communication skills, and consider these to be my greatest strength. I enjoy dealing with people and building lasting relationships with colleagues, customers and suppliers. I am able to adapt my approach to meet individual needs and enjoy building rapport. Utilising my strong communication skills has also allowed me to become more adept at problem solving and dealing with situations where conflict or disagreement may arise.

United Kingdom
Desired Start Date
Jun 01, 2018

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