Bum Jin: Korea: Hanshin University, Osan-si, Kyunggi-do, Republic of Korea: Feb 11, 1991

Dear officer

Good evening, I would like to apply for the teacher vacancy of the social science faculty to ready the exam of AP for the student.

Firstly, I am open-minded and have strong emotional sympathy with others. That is might be helpful for students. as I worked in Korea, I have the license for coaching the teenagers (name as "TLC" and it is the private license, not official).

Also, I am not only the sociable and funny teacher but also easily communicated with them cause I am youth (27 years for this year). I had been undergone so many things through the travel, living abroad, and it is useful for the care of themselves as the teacher if I would start to teach them.

and my major is Sociology and International Relationship – It is appropriate for the teaching them. during the bachelor's course in the university, I have been trained for critical speech – such as for refuting on the debate, and writing also. Furthermore, I could be teaching the Japanese for them, too. So, I want to help and assist them through to show my talent for language, and social studies focused on history, politics.

I am looking forward to the response.

Best Regards
Nathan Lee

Bum Jin
Hanshin University, Osan-si, Kyunggi-do, Republic of Korea
Desired Start Date
Feb 11, 1991

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