Jiyeon: Korea: Ewha Woman's University: Feb 02, 2019

Growth process
Under the motto "Do your best in everything," I was able to maintain consistency in concentrating all my efforts and doing my best without regret every moment.

School Days
I moved to France before graduating from elementary school. Having lived in Paris for six years, I not only became fluent in English and French, but also learned how to adapt to the new environment, and how to think with people of different personalities. I also came back to Korea and attended high school and had a meaningful opportunity to overcome difficulties such as cultural and linguistic barriers.

Based on the idea of ​​caring for others and keeping a positive ambience with a bright smile, I challenge myself aggressively. I love to meet people and to spend with people because of such traits.

I wanted to find aptitude to study and acquire French language proficiency test (DALF C1, AP 5 points) and English language test score (TOEFL 115 or higher). I have also worked as a teacher in school programs teaching TOEFL and DELF. Moreover, I have a career in English debate and Model United Nations conferences.
Furthermore, I am also interested in arts; I have been participating in a cappella, violin ensemble, musicals and so on.

I believe that opportunity is not only given by waiting passively but by repeating endless efforts and making it oneself. So, I would like to take this challenge so as not to be satisfied with the small experience but to jump over to the wider world.

Aspiration after joining
If I were accepted as a member of your company, I will always be based on continuous self-development.
Thank you.

Ewha Woman's University
Desired Start Date
Feb 02, 2019

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