HoGyun: Korea: University of North Alabama / Pusan National University: Jan 02, 2023

I’m recent graduate student in University of North Alabama, US with Master of Education in Secondary Education, also student in Pusan National University, Korea with Master of Education in Global Teacher Education. The reason why I’m belong in two master’s degree study is I joined Global Teacher University dual degree program that sponsored by Korean Education Department. I will graduate in December 2022 and February 2023. I also finished my undergraduate course with Chemistry Education and General Science Education in Chung-Buk National University, so I can say my concentration is Chemistry and Science Education in Secondary level.
My teaching experience is not so long, it is around 2-3 years, and most of experience was in Ghanzi Senior Secondary School, Botswana, Africa. That was amazing experience to me, I was enrolled in Teacher Overseas Dispatch Project from National Institute for International Education, Korea. Staying in Africa and new cultural experience was impressive but prove my passion in education and improve my abilities in education through concern and effort about how I can provide productive experience to my students was most expensive rewards what I had in there. In Ghanzi Senior Secondary School, I taught Chemistry to Form 4, and Form 5 students, also I provide some small workshop about using technology in classroom to their local teachers because that program was kind of ODA program. Interesting is the Botswana Educational curriculum and National exam that BGCSE is almost same as UK curriculum and IGCSE because of the history of country. So, their textbook was Cambridge A level Chemistry textbook, and I always searched about Cambridge A level materials and tests for my references, also IGCSE was helpful resource for prepare BGCSE with my students. I’m pretty sure I used to UK style curriculum and teaching Chemistry in English based on my experience in Botswana.
While studying in my universities I’m always trying to remind why I was desired to be a teacher when I was high school students. Then, the reason was I hated the Korean school systems, and If I’m a teacher I could provide more useful and engaged experience to students. For that reason, I was trying to have experience in overseas not only in Korea, and I think that give me more opportunity to bring more ideas and can be accomplished teacher. I believe this opportunity in your school will be fantastic experience to students and me. I can provide my passionate lesson and cultural diversity to students, also I think the lesson is not a one-way communication, so I should learn from my students and that will improve my educational abilities, and then I can provide more productive experiences to my students.

University of North Alabama / Pusan National University
Desired Start Date
Jan 02, 2023

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