I wish to submit my expression of interest for available teaching positions.
I have a Bachelor of Journalism (social studies/humanities minor) from James Cook University in Townsville, North Queensland, Australia and spent 9 months after completing my TEFL course in a full-time position teaching English language (Social studies focus) at Wachirawit Private High School in Chiang Mai Thailand. I moved to Vietnam in 2015 and have been living here since then, teaching a range of ages and abilities, from 3-35 year olds and from toddlers to working professionals in both the public and private sectors.
A positive and motivated teacher, I am committed to providing students with a dynamic and interesting learning environment in which they can grow and develop. I am familiar with employing the use of technology whilst teaching in the 21st century classroom, and I thrive on keeping on top of the latest resources and developments within the teaching industry. I seek to encourage students to enjoy extra-curricular activities and study groups, which I believe instils them with a self-directed lifelong learning..
To give you an indication of what to expect, an average week for me consists of 19-22 contact hours of teaching per week, mostly students aged 13-18, who are producing the language at a range from false beginner up to the intermediate level.
I would love the opportunity to assist in the development and progression of your students’ learning.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. I look forward to hearing from you and discussing my suitability for this role within your school.
Yours sincerely
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